sabinetorglerMay 91 min readSabine Brase Interview on ‘Wie zukunftsfähig sind die Pflegeberufe?’A wonderful video from our great supporter, Sabine Brase, all about the future of nursing and why it remains such an attractive profession!A short video and definitely a must-watch!
A wonderful video from our great supporter, Sabine Brase, all about the future of nursing and why it remains such an attractive profession!A short video and definitely a must-watch!
English for Nurses Stammtisch on 24th October 2024: Free Zoom Meetings for Nurses, Midwives and Other Healthcare Professionals
English for Nurses Sabine Torgler Writing for Nurse’s View: ‘Why Are Nurses Against a Nursing Council? A Pandora’s Box You Won’t Be Able to Shut’