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Why Choose English for Nurses Courses

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I am a Nurse

Do you already work, or want to work, in hospitals where you are expected to professionally communicate with English-speaking patients when English is not your first language?


This was the situation faced by English for Nurses director, Sabine Torgler, when she moved to the UK from her native Germany 20 years ago. What she found was a hospital culture very different to the one she had experienced in her home country, where much of the medical terminology was confusing and it was often difficult to diagnose patients because of communication difficulties.


Sabine was determined to help other nurses in the same situation and this is where English for Nurses comes in. EfN’s courses give you the confidence to better deal with English-speaking patients and colleagues on the wards. They aid your professional development and enable you to become a more productive member of staff. You will even enjoy your job more!


Please email or phone Sabine if you would like to discuss what EfN can do for you. Her contact details are HERE.


The best way to stay up to date with news about our products and workshops is to join our free mailing list.

I Employ Nurses

“I believe that, by harnessing our collective energy and commitment, we, as the largest part of one of the largest workforces in the World, have unlimited potential to massively improve the quality of care.  It is all our responsibility to ensure that essential nursing care is a given and can be counted on every time, in every healthcare setting – and 6Cs Live! is here to help and support you.”  Jane Cummings, Chief Nursing Officer of England.


We strongly believe in the 6 C’s:

Communication, Competence, Compassion, Courage, Commitment, Care


To be able to act professionally as a nurse communication skills are vital in the nursing culture. Do you employ nurses who are expected to communicate with English-speaking patients and colleagues, when English is not their first language? Are you aware of the difficulties they face in carrying out their jobs when it comes to medical terminology, patient diagnoses or simply adapting to medical culture in an unfamiliar environment?

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English for Nurses director, Sabine Torgler, does. These are the challenges she faced when she moved to the UK from her native Germany 20 years ago and started working in NHS hospitals. Now she and her team of tutors are determined to help other nurses in the same situation, both in the UK and across mainland Europe.

Offering EfN courses to your nurses will give them the confidence to better deal with English-speaking patients and colleagues on the wards. They will be more productive members of staff as a result, happier in their jobs and easier to retain. EfN has a proven track record of teaching nurses how to overcome the difficulties they face and helping with their professional development, adding value for you at a surprisingly low cost for each nurse.


Please email or phone Sabine if you would like to discuss what EfN can do for you. Her contact details are HERE.


The best way to stay up to date with news about our products and workshops is to join our free mailing list.

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